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Hackensack Slip & Fall Lawyers: Protecting Your Rights

Slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accident claims are often avoided by personal injury lawyers because they can be difficult cases to pursue. Our lawyers have the experience, resources and determination to represent the rights of clients in these cases. We promptly and thoroughly investigate cases, and work to recover the compensation clients deserve for their injuries. When clients come to our Bergen County, New Jersey, law firm, our slip-and-fall attorneys will listen to their situation and provide an honest assessment of their options for moving forward.

Contact Our Experienced Hackensack, New Jersey, Slip-and-Fall Lawyers

Whether you have sustained injuries in a slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accident, or if a loved one sustained serious harm due to another’s negligence, we can help. Contact the New Jersey auto accident lawyers at Cowen & Jacobs regarding any legal matter. Our attorneys can be reached by phone at 201-525-0025.

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Are you ready to get started on your case with a consultation? With over 35 years of combined experience, our attorneys are ready to fight for you. Reach out to us today to see what Cowen & Jacobs can do for you.

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